The project aims to enable open data, i.e. citizen access to data on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the territory of Kragujevac. The city has an Energy Management Information System (EMIS) database used for collecting data on energy consumption in public buildings. The implementation of this project will make this system visible to all citizens, and will envisage the possibility of upgrading the EMIS database to include data on energy consumption in residential buildings, as well as data on environmental pollution. The upgrading of the database will enable citizens to access data on water, electricity and heating consumption. The users or residents of a building will be able to quickly and easily access data on electricity consumption for any public of residential building, compare electricity consumption indicators and based on that prioritize which buildings will be retrofitted to increase energy efficiency. Thus, additional opportunities will be created for green jobs in energy efficiency retrofitting services.

Lead implementing agency

The City of Kragujevac